Advanced Training – PDM Domain – Insect & Mite Pests Module

Course Description

The Insect and Mite Pests module will focus on insect and mite pests affecting woody landscape plants. Emphasis will be placed on pest identification, biology, population dynamics, and non- chemical and chemical management strategies. Students will be expected to have a working knowledge of basic insect biology, anatomy, and principles of integrated pest management (IPM) and/or plant health care (PHC). If during the field season, outdoor field studies will be conducted. A comprehensive final exam will be given at the end of the course and will be required in order to get Advanced Training credit for the module.

Recommended Reading

1. Insects that Feed on Trees and Shrubs: An Illustrated Practical Guide by Howard H. Lyon and Warren T. Johnson

Other Provided Equipment

Hand lens, handouts and supplementary training materials, if available from NGO’s.

Handouts (can be printed before class)

Module: DDs and Plant Phenology 

Module: Insect Taxonomy

Module: Insect Growth and Development 

Module: Insect Anatomy

Module: Sap-Feeding Insects

Module: Leaf-Feeding Insects

Module: Wood-Boring Insects

Module: Exotics