Interested in Becoming a Board Member?

Meeting Attendance

When elected, new Board members will attend a day and a half orientation and strategic planning session with the Board of Directors. The Board meets bi-monthly and all dates are established at the first board meeting of the year. Board members are expected to attend most primary member events (e.g., major meetings and Annual Meeting) and as many secondary events (e.g., ITCC, Golf Outing, Seminars) as feasible.

Leadership Expectations

As the governing body of the IAA, the Board of Directors has a great deal of responsibility. Beyond the commitment to be prepared for and attend meetings, and be engaged in the work of the organization, Directors understand that:

  • Board members must be qualified, informed and experienced representatives that exemplify the highest standards of professional ethics, volunteerism, and commitment to the association and its related profession.
  • Board members are expected to take an active role in all member activities and attend as many major meetings as feasible.
  • Board members are expected to fulfill their liaison assignments.
  • Board members are expected to engage, participate and contribute to discussions and debates.
  • Board members should volunteer for special assignments and task forces as needed.
  • Board members should be strategic thinkers and look at the “big picture” of the IAA’s vision, mission, and strategic initiatives, free of “private agendas.”
  • Board members must focus on the mission of the IAA and strive to keep it relevant and meaningful.
  • Board members provide financial oversight, and ultimately have fiduciary responsibility over the organization.
  • Board member must ensure legal and ethical integrity and maintain accountability.
  • Board members should ensure the IAA has adequate resources to fulfill its mission.
  • Board members determine, monitor, and strengthen the organization’s programs and services.
  • Board members oversee, evaluate, and direct the Executive Director.

The IAA Nominating Committee uses the following criteria to evaluate the nominees’ qualifications.

  • IAA member in good standing
  • Past contributions/service at IAA events
  • Past service in committee and leadership roles both within and outside of IAA
  • Professional work experience in arboriculture and related fields including research activities
  • Commercial/Municipal/Research/Utility directors should be currently working in that field
  • Recommendations
  • Any other relevant considerations

The Deadline for Nominations is July 11th, 2025

Please use the form below if you’d like to be considered for an IAA Board of Director position.

*Disclaimer –submitting your name does not guarantee that you will serve on the IAA Board of Directors or make it onto the ballot. The nominations committee will review all candidates and submit the 2 most qualified candidates for each open position to the IAA Board of Directors for approval. If chosen, your name will go out to the general membership for a vote. The President will contact all candidates with the final results by November 3rd.  Winners are introduced and start their term at the IAA Annual Conference on November 2025.

I have reviewed the IAA bylaws and Nominating Committee comments regarding service on the Board of Directors board. I agree to the purpose, mission and goals of the IAA and understand the requirements and protocol of Board service. If nominated and elected, I shall fulfill the expectations of the IAA Board Members to my best ability. I (and/or my employer) will support the time, travel, and minimal travel expenses to fulfill the expectations of IAA Board Members.
* Writing in third person is writing from a third-person point of view, or outsider looking in, and uses pronouns like he, she, it or they. While first person comes across more personal, third person gives you the opportunity to use your full name and provides flexibility and objectivity. See Election Policies and Procedures for tips on writing your bio.
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