Summer Conference Agenda

July 18th & 19th, 2024 

  • Tree Risk Assessment and Overview of Advanced Tools and Methods, Structural Pruning, Working Around Utilities (Schulz, Lane, and Francke)

  • Group A:  Tree Risk Assessment: An Overview of Advanced Tools and Methods – Steve Lane 
  • Group B:  Structural Pruning of Young Trees – Aaron Schulz
  • Group C: Minimum approach distance when working around utilities – Eric Francke

  • Group A: Tree Risk Assessment: An Overview of Advanced Tools and Methods –Steve Lane
  • Group B:  Structural Pruning of Young Trees – Aaron Schulz
  • Group C: Minimum approach distance when working around utilities — Eric Francke

  • Group A:  Tree Risk Assessment: An Overview of Advanced Tools and Methods–Steve Lane 
  • Group B:  Structural Pruning of Young Trees – Aaron Schulz
  • Group C: Minimum approach distance when working around utilities – Eric Francke