Find An Arborist

Enter your zip code and choose the number of miles out you would like to search. The map will generate green “pins” for each Arborist located in the surrounding area. Click on the pin to see the company information. You can also scroll down below the map to see all the companies listed for hire.

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IAA Find an Arborist Service

ISA Arborist Certification is a non-governmental, voluntary process by which individuals can document their base of knowledge.  Certification provides a measurable assessment of an individual’s knowledge and competence required to provide proper tree care.

Certification is not a measure of standards of business practice.  It can only attest to the tree knowledge of an individual, and cannot guarantee or assure quality performance.  This listing is to serve as a directory only and not as a recommendation of any company in the Illinois Arborist Association.

Certified Arborists are individuals who have achieved a level of knowledge in the art and science of tree care through at least three years experience and have passed a comprehensive examination developed by some of the nation’s leading experts on tree care.

Certified Arborists must also continue their education to maintain their status as an ISA Certified Arborist.  This ensures that the latest information, techniques and research in arboriculture is always updated and made available to the arborist.

This directory contains Certified Arborists for Hire in Illinois.  For a complete list of all Certified Arborists in Illinois, please search the Internet at the following address:

If you would like to have your “Certified Arborists” listed in our directory, please contact April Toney at the IAA office (877-617-8887).

Click Here to view the existing directory until the New Directory is populated.

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