Illinois Arborist Advanced Training Class: Advanced Pesticide Application and Safety

  • How tree physiology, weather, and soil conditions (e.g., texture, structure, moisture, pH) impact the application of systemic chemicals (e.g., insecticides, fungicides, and essential plant nutrients).
  • The application and use of accepted soil and tree injection delivery methods, their efficacy for combating insect pests and diseases, and their role in determining and supplying essential plant nutrients.
  • The types, application, limitations, and benefits of using biorational pesticides (e.g., horticultural oils, soaps, microbials, botanicals) for pest and disease management, and their integration with biological control.
  • Recognizing beneficial organisms (“the good guys”) before applying chemical treatments.
  • The importance of water supply (e.g., source, pH) when tank mixing and its effect on pesticide efficacy.
  • Application methods and environmental considerations (e.g., weather conditions) associated with herbicide drift, including potential damage to non-target plants and methods for preventing drift.
  • Diagnosing common herbicide drift damage in plants.
  • Appropriate and timely application of the least toxic and environmentally friendly pesticides.
  • How to read and navigate a pesticide label effectively.
  • Common modes of action of pesticides and their implications for applicator safety and health.
  • Correct calibration techniques when applying pesticides.
