Instructor: Steve Lane
Date: Friday, September 5th, 2025
Time: 8:00am – 4:30pm (please bring a bag lunch)
Location: Cantigny Education Center – 1 S 151 Winfield Rd., Wheaton, IL
CEU’s: 8
Class Limit: 20
Course Description
The Species Requirements module will focus on biotic and abiotic requirements of various tree species, and specifically species tolerances to adverse conditions. This class will focus on the science behind tree requirements and tolerances such as light, nutrients, salts, soils, and pH (among others) and provide examples of tree species best suited to cope with these various situations.
Weather depending, there will also be a short field component of this class, where students will be tested on which sites would be suitable for specific trees. This class will provide information for all types of planting areas, not just parkways, in order to teach a broader perspective on these tree species. We will discuss the biological, evolutionary, and chemical reasons why certain trees prefer certain conditions, as well as where these conditions are likely to be found in Illinois.
The goal is to educate students on how to make a long-term and fiscally responsible investment in trees by choosing the right tree for the right site and avoiding common pitfalls of planning for tree plantings.
Recommended Reading
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