Advanced Training – UF Domain – Urban Settings, Species, Stresses & Strategies Module

Course Description

This 1-day course will provide participants with a detailed overview of performing work in the urban environment. When we work with trees, we are working with organisms that are evolved to certain natural circumstances. But where they are growing, and the conditions they are growing under, are far from natural. To make this even more complex, the rules and regulations governing what can be planted and where, risk management strategies, and local ordinances governing who can and cannot perform work on trees can be daunting to navigate. This course will cover all facets of working in the urban environment, including biological, political, and programmatic challenges for trees, managers, and workers.

Recommended Reading

Up by Roots, James Urban2008

Provided Equipment


Day One

This 1-day class will be classroom based and will rely upon a combination of lecture and group exercises. We begin the morning session by examining tree biology, and the stresses that the urban environment puts on trees, from a science-based perspective. This will include common pests and diseases in the urban environment, as well as abiotic factors. We will also explore how tree species selection can impact how these stresses manifest or may be avoided. Finally, we will look at biological, chemical, and cultural methods to alleviate stress once it has set in.

For the afternoon, we will discuss working in the urban environment. Topics will be wide ranging, and will include risk management, local ordinances, utility and right of way issues, communicating with residents and managers, and equipment issues and maintenance. Participants are encouraged to come equipped with challenging situations they have experienced in the past so we can discuss these as a group and create strategies to address these challenges.


Upon completion of the course, the participants should be able to recognize challenges in the urban environment, and respond to them appropriately, or know what resources are available to help them with responding to them.