2024 Summer Conference Sponsor Opportunities

Welcome Reception $550.00 (1 available)

  • Company name on sign at welcome reception
  • Company name on slides in between sessions
  • Company name listed in “Illinois Trees” newsletter
  • Company listed on summer conference page of the IAA website
  • Company name listed in conference brochure
  • Company name listed in e-blast

Breakfast Sponsor $275.00 (2 available)

  • Company name on sign at breakfast
  • Company name on slides in between sessions
  • Company name listed in “Illinois Trees” newsletter
  • Company listed on summer conference page of the IAA website
  • Company name listed in conference brochure
  • Company name listed in e-blast

Lunch Sponsor $275.00 (3 available)

  • Company name on sign at lunch
  • Company name on slides in between sessions
  • Company name listed in “Illinois Trees” newsletter
  • Company listed on summer conference page of the IAA website
  • Company name listed in conference brochure
  • Company name listed in e-blast

Break Sponsor $275.00 (2 available)

  • Company name on sign at breaks
  • Company name on slides in between sessions
  • Company name listed in “Illinois Trees” newsletter
  • Company listed on summer conference page of the IAA website
  • Company name listed in conference brochure
  • Company name listed in e-blast

Basic Conference Sponsor – $110

  • Company name/logo on conference page of the website
  • Company name listed/announced throughout conference
  • Company name/logo on all conference advertising

Conference Sponsor with Commercial or PPT – $275

  • You provide a 30 sec commercial or PPT slideshow advertisement of your company to be shown after the last session of your choice.
  • Company name/logo on conference page of the website
  • Company name listed/announced throughout conference
  • Company name/logo on all conference advertising

Conference Sponsor with Commercial or PPT – $550

  • You provide a 60 sec commercial or PPT slideshow advertisement of your company to be shown between sessions of your choice.
  • Company name/logo on conference page of the website
  • Company name listed/announced throughout conference
  • Company name/logo on all conference advertising

Please fill out the form to sponsor. Thank you!